This Saturday, I attended MWPA's Ask An Agent at the Glickman Library in Portland. The presenters, John Butman and Lucy Cleland, are agents at literary agency Kneerim & Williams in Boston. I learned a new phrase: your thinking journey. John, primarily a non-fiction agent, and Lucy, who delves into fiction as well, both stressed the importance of revealing our thinking journeys as they apply to our proposals and pitches. As John reminded us, it's the first question you hear asked of any author being interviewed - how did you come up with your idea? I love the concept of the thinking journey, and yes, I've been thinking a lot about my thinking journey for The Toll Road North for the last 24 hours.
Many thanks to John and Lucy at Kneerim & Williams, as well as the MWPA, for giving me a new phrase to work with! @KWLitAgency @MaineWriters